Direct agricultural advice. All information and counseling services related to crops. Information about crop disease pest and pesticide application. Fertilizer-related consultation Information about new agricultural technologies and equipment. Availability near various fertilizers and pesticides. Market related to agricultural products and materials. Address of the agricultural services providers. Information about the detailed production technology of different crops. Advice on Environmentally Friendly Production Strategies Other information such as: Poultry Farm Fish farm Livestock
Provide assistance for expansion of the farmers of all categories Offering skilled and expansion services to the farmers Agriculture Program Decentralization Demand Based Agricultural Extension Programs Work with all types of farmers Strengthen agricultural research and extension activities Provide training for expansion workers Use of appropriate extension method Provide comprehensive extension support Co-ordinated expansion programs Provide comprehensive support to the environment
Provide comprehensive support to the environment Agricultural Traders Use of agricultural information and communication methods
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS